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04. Real-Time Upload

Dec 12, 2024

The film upload process can become tedious for teams who record many practices and games. Video is recorded locally on the device and then uploaded after the event is over. Depending on the size of the recording, the upload process can take a long time.

We have designed a way for teams to live stream video directly to their WatchGameFilm team by using any recording application for their device that supports the RTMP protocol. Any WGF team can now use an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet or phone to record their game or practice and stream it real-time to our servers. Once they stop recording, the stream is automatically processed and posted to their team's Film Library as a single clip MP4 video.

The best part is that there is no need for you to select and upload video to WatchGameFilm after the game or practice is over. We already have your video stream and it will be posted to your WGF team within minutes! Logging into WGF is not even needed when creating a real-time upload.

Real-Time Upload Features

Real-Time Upload Steps

  1. Contact to receive your team's Streaming Key
  2. Install a RTMP streaming application, such as LiveNow, on your device
  3. Open the app and configure your custom RTMP stream for WatchGameFilm
  4. Begin streaming (i.e. recording) your game or practice
  5. The video is automatically streamed (i.e. uploaded) to our server as you are recording
  6. Once you stop recording, your video will be posted to your WGF team within a couple minutes
  7. The video will be titled "Real-Time Upload" and can be renamed at a later time
  8. Email notification will be sent to your team letting them know the video is ready to view

Click here for a full guide on how to set up Real-Time Upload 

RTMP Streaming App Recommendation

While there are many free and paid streaming applications available for iOS and Android, we recommend LiveNow. It is a paid RTMP streaming application but it is less that $13 per year for unlimited streaming and configuration. Users can save multiple custom RTMP streams for quick retrieval and instant recording. It is very simple to use, includes the ability to add scoreboards and also allows you to install it on a phone as a companion app to remote control the iPad or camera that you are recording from.

Click here for a quick guide on how to set up LiveNow for your WatchGameFilm team

Contact Us for Assistance

If you are confused by these steps or streaming technology but still want to automatically upload video real-time, please contact for assistance.